Swim England’s revised transgender and non-binary competition policy comes into effect on 1 Sep 2023. Historical records will then be listed as ‘Female’ (‘F’) and ‘Open/Male’ (‘O/M’). The latter will be used to reflect that historical records were achieved within the ‘Male’ category, prior to the implementation of an ‘Open’ category.
In Sep 2017 Somerset ASA announced it would run all its 2018 Championships events long course (50m). From 2020 relays resumed as short course (25m).
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Please note that the ‘Senior’ trophy entitlement of each event with finals and each HDW event depended on conditions in force at the time, which are now
- competitor returning the overall fastest time from each 16/O Age Group Final and 16/O HDW event,
and were previously
- competitor returning the overall fastest time from the Age Group Finals for that event and from HDW events, regardless of age,