Swimming Officials sign up here for the Somerset ASA 100-metre Individual Medley and Relays https://swim-meet.com/Availability/?m=3465
Download Hytek Zipped File Event Conditions, Qualifying times and Programme here.
Level 2 Licensed Meet (Licence No. 2SW241426,
being held on
Sunday, October 20th, 2024.
Millfield Swimming Pool
Keen’s Elm Lane, Street, Somerset, BA16 0ST
Age as of: December 31st, 2024.
Minimum Age: 10-years-of-age in year of competition (via 10/11 qualifying times).
Closing date for entries: Monday, October 7th, 2024 at 17:00 Hours.
Download Conditions and Qualifying Times PDF here
Download Spectators Notice here
Download Warm-up Rules and Procedures here
General Competition Rules for all disciplines
- All events shall be competed for annually under Regulations and Technical Rules of Swim England (Swim England Regulations) at venues and dates to be agreed by the Management committe
- They shall be open to eligible swimmers according to Swim England Regulations who:
- Are a fee paying member of an affiliated club of Somerset ASA, and
- Must have been a member of the said club, for a period of not less than 60 days prior to the date of the competition or the first day of a series of competitions, or
- Are members of H.M. Forces whose unit is affiliated under Swim England Regulations, and their name is on the books of the said unit
- Ages shall be published in the Promoters Conditions
- For the purpose of competition, members of any Swim England affiliated club paying a membership fee to SASA through a recognised network can apply to take part in SASA competitions. At the time of submitting entries the club must certify that the swimmer is attending development sessions with that network and the swimmer must pay the £1.25 affiliation fee if not already a SASA member
- In the interest of the sport in cases of extenuating circumstances the County Officers shall decide if the swimmer is eligible to compete (Their decision will be final)
- No swimmer taking part in a competition of another county in the same discipline during the current year shall be eligible to compete
- A Competitor entering in the name of one club for any Somerset ASA swimming championship, swimming age group competition, masters swimming competition and open water competition must compete for that club in that competition and may not be entered in the name of another club in any team or individual competition
- Where a competitor has dual registration, they may only represent one club. This shall be the Club named on the entry form
- Photography: The following relate to photography and video images for all events – recording images – Somerset ASA may record the competition and development events in which competitors participate and general images of swimmers will form part of the information the County hold and use. In addition to the purposes for general information set out above, the County may use these recordings and images for the purposes of education and training, swimmer analysis, performance, development, selection and event promotion. If you have any concerns with children being photographed at Somerset ASA swimming events, please refer to the Swim England Wavepower document and complete and supply a Refusal of Consent form with your entry.
- They shall be open to eligible swimmers according to Swim England Regulations who:
- Anything not covered by the foregoing rules or regulations shall be referred to the Somerset ASA Management Committee whose decision must be acted upon.
The Events
- Individual events:
100m Individual Medley ages 10/11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18 and over - Team events:
Open/Male 4 x 50m Medley Relay, ages 10/11-12, 13-14, 15 & under and Open Female 4 x 50m Medley Relay, ages 10/11-12, 13-14, 15 & under and Open Open/Male 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay, ages 10/11-12, 13-14, 15 & under and Open Female 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay, ages 10/11-12, 13-14, 15 & under and Open Mixed 4 x 50m Medley Relay, ages 14 & under and 15 & over, Mixed 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay, ages 14 & under and 15 & over.
The Competition
- All events will be swum as Short Course
- The Female category is for birth sex females in accordance with Swim England’s Transgender and non-Binary Competition Policy. By entering the ‘Female’ category, a swimmer confirms that their birth sex is female
- Points will be awarded to the fastest eight competitors in each age group and team, points will be awarded as follows: 1st 8 points, 2nd 7 points, 3rd 6 points, 4th 5 points, 5th 4 points, 6th 3 points, 7th 2 points and 8th 1 point. No points will be awarded to a disqualified competitor or team
- All events shall be swum in an 8-lane pool with anti-wave lane ropes with electronic timing
- The minimum depth at the starting end at the venue is 1.8m
- Competitors must be race ready when reporting to marshalling
- A secondary strobe will be provided where it is requested by the athlete at the time of entry
- Withdrawals/Scratches must be notified by clubs using the Withdrawal app by 8.15am on the day of competition. The link will be shared with the relevant club official(s) shortly after entries are confirmed. Withdrawals will not be accepted by email
- All swimmers to be seeded from submitted times, slowest heats first
- The Referee is responsible for all aspects of health, safety and fair play and can halt the Competition at any time if there are perceived risks to competitors, officials, spectators or competition organisers. It is therefore imperative that all competitor observe all safety announcements and conduct themselves in accordance with those announcements at all times
- Code of Conduct All clubs, their coaches, team managers, swimmers and parents are familiar with Swim England’s Code of Conduct which is included in Swim England’s Safeguarding Policy, known as Wavepower. This meet is run under the protection of this policy and all visitors to the complex will be expected to abide by the policy. Somerset ASA has a zero tolerance to any breach of any code of conduct and anyone who is deemed in breach of a code of conduct will be asked to leave the venue and reported to the Management Committee for further investigation
- It is the responsibility of each club to ensure that its coaches, team managers, chaperones and marshals are responsible for their swimmers on poolside including, but not restricted to, behaviour, dress and conduct towards other competitors, officials and competition organisers at all times
- Any competitor or coach requiring wheelchair access MUST advise the Promoter who can then check with the venue any safety requirements/assessments to be carried out prior to competition
- Officials who officiate at any of the Sessions will be entitled to Mileage Expenses at a Rate of 45p per mile from their home address to the Pool Venue and return, with a limit of one claim per day, regardless of the number of sessions attended on that day. Officials should request an Expenses Application Form from a Referee which should be completed and returned to that Referee during the duration of the Meet.
- 100m IM Individual event shall be awarded Age Group Medals to the first, second and third placed competitors of each age group 10/11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18 and over and should be collected from the Medals desk
- Relay and Mixed Relay events for age groups 10-12, 13-14, 14/u & 15/o will be awarded medals to the first, second and third placed and should be collected from the Medals desk
- Relay events for 15/u and Open Medley & Freestyle will be awarded Medals to the first, second and third placed teams and should be collected from the Medals desk.
- The Competition will be run as an integrated competition. Competitors with WPS Functional Ability Classification or a Certificate of Swimming disability achieving Para-Swim/Disability Consideration Standards for the Competition will be accepted as time permits.
- WPS Functional Ability Classification MUST be declared on the entry email. Competitors with a Certificate of Swimming Disability MUST present the Certificate to the Referee at the start of the relevant session before racing commences. Failure to do so may result in disqualification
- Para-Swim/Disability competitors may enter any event that is not deemed a Para-Swim Event, subject to satisfying the relevant qualifying or consideration standard(s) as specified in the entry conditions
- Disability swimmers may submit entries for non-MC events on a time-trial basis provided they meet the relevant Qualifying Time for that event
- Entries must be submitted manually by email to compsecretary@somersetasa.co.uk
- Minimum age to be 11 years old as at 31st December 2024
- All competitors will compete in the same heats as able-bodied competitors
- All disability events shall be HDW
- All coaches and personal care attendants must have a Coach pass allocated. Personal care attendants will only be permitted for competitors where assistance is permitted on their code of exceptions.
- A competitor who has assistance as specified above may have both a coach and a personal care attendant present. The personal care attendant accreditation will be free of charge
- Medals shall be awarded on a multi-disability basis to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each event
- If there are less than four competitors in any one event, then a minus one ruling shall apply
- If there is only one competitor in an event, then a medal shall be awarded 12.Medals shall be awarded during the relevant session that the event has taken place
Entries & Payment
- Entry times must have been achieved on or after 1st January 2023 and by the closing date of entries
- Entry criteria is via the published short course Qualifying Times and must be from Licensed Level 1, 2, 3 or 4 meets and registered on the Swim England Rankings website
- Eight-year-old competitors in the County who have very late in the year birthdays (Birth date between 1st October to 31st December 2016) will be permitted to enter with times that are not recorded on Swim England rankings. These competitors must have achieved the 10/11-year-old qualifying times. No Times (NT) submitted will NOT be accepted nor competitors with an earlier birthday than 1st October 2016
- All entries are to be submitted by email only, using the format published with these conditions and attach the Hy-Tek Team compatible file. Email entries to: somersetasa@gmail.com
- Closing date for entries is 17:00, Monday, October 7th 2024
- Entries will only be accepted when submitted by the Club Coach, Secretary or Competition Secretary of affiliated clubs and must include competitors Swim England membership numbers
- Relay entries must be included in the electronic Hy-Tek entry file
- The entry file must include all competitors entering relays and individual events. Once entries have been submitted and accepted, no new competitors will be added to the team entry
- Relays entries must include all four competitors in the correct swimming order
- All entries, individual and relays must include an entry time. NT entries for individual and relay events will not be accepted
- Changes to competitors and swimming order can be changed up until the start of the warm up
- Teams are to ensure that they all report to marshalling at the same time. Failure to check in with the poolside marshals will result in the team being withdrawn from that event/heat
- Competitors will need to confirm their names and swimming order to the lane Timekeeper/Judge
- Clubs are invited to enter as many relay teams as they like, and are encouraged to do so, however, only the team nominated as their ‘A’ team will be eligible for medals and points
- Manual entry requests/emails for Relays events will not be accepted
- Competitors are only permitted to compete in their age groups for relay events
- Submitting entries is certification as to the date of birth and achievement of the competitor’s fastest time and minimum entry time for each event entered
- Qualifying Times are Short Course
- All competitors must be registered as Club Compete by the closing date for entries and Swim England registration numbers included for all swimmers with your entry
- Late entries will not normally be accepted, decisions shall be made by the Promoter and County Secretary
- Entries incorrectly completed or incomplete will not be accepted
- To ensure safety procedures and protocols are observed, together with the well-being of all competitors, all associated medical conditions must be declared with the management plan for the condition and submitted to the Promoter at least two weeks before the date of competition. The content of the declaration will be held in strict confidence, and only shared when essential to ensure the safety of the competitor during the competition. The declaration will be held securely on file until the final Somerset ASA competition of the 2024/25 season
- Improved entry times will not be accepted after the official closing date regardless of the date of achievement
- All clubs are to check the accuracy of their data by running the Swim England Data Checker against their entries, any incorrect data not resolved before submitting entries will result in Rankings rejecting results https://www.swimmingresults.org/teammanagercheck/
- Once entries have been confirmed there will be no refunds for withdrawals or scratches
- A refund for withdrawal on medical grounds will be considered provided a request is made to the Promoter no later than 72 hours prior to the start date and time of the applicable weekend of competition and must be supported with a medical note within four weeks of that date
- All refunds following entry confirmation is at the discretion of the Promoter and Meet Manager
- Coach Passes will be available at a cost of £10.00 to any club which has competitors accepted. Clubs must adhere to SE1048 Swim England Team Manager, Coach and Chaperone Policy. The correct number of passes must be applied for and paid for, numbers purchased are dependent on the maximum number of competitors clubs have attending at any one time.
- Clubs must contact the promoter if they have a swimmer who needs a chaperone in addition to their coach pass quota.
- Only competitors reporting for their event and appointed officials are allowed on the poolside during the meet
- During warmups, only coaches holding valid Coach passes will be permitted on the poolside
- Application for coach packs should be made when submitting entries
- Only Coaches/Team Manager’s wearing Coach Passes are permitted on the competitors balcony
- All Team Managers, Coaches and Chaperones must:
- Apply for their accreditation using the Swim England Membership platform. Swim England Members Options.
- Ensure you have uploaded a photograph of yourself c. Then select ‘Purchase accreditations for events’
- Then select ‘Swim England DBS, Safeguarding, qualification check’ and submit a request for your accreditation to cover the correct date period
- You will be emailed your accreditation and there is no cost to pay for your accreditation
- This process will safeguard our swimmers by ensuring that all adults holding Coach passes have the right qualification and checks in place.
- The number of purchased Coach passes will be available at the Front of House and are to be signed for by individuals holding a valid accreditation, including a photograph. Coach passes are to be returned at the end of the day.
- Individual event entry fee & Relay entry fee is £7.00 per event/team
- Coach, Team Manager and Chaperone pass is £10 each.
- Full competition information will be published on Meet Mobile
- Payment must be paid direct to the Somerset ASA bank account by Wednesday, October 16th, 2024
- Evidence of cleared funds will be confirmed by the County Treasurer to the Competition Secretary prior to the event
- Payment must be paid directly into the County bank account by BACS payment only. 42.Clubs who do not have evidence of cleared funds by Wednesday 16th October 2024 will not be able to compete
Bank: HSBC Bank
Account name: Somerset ASA
Sort code: 40-44-33
Account number: 62083051
Photography & Imagery Consent
- Your privacy is important to us. Any concerns during an event should be reported to the Promoter or the Meet Manager
- This event may be photographed and videoed in accordance with our Privacy Policy https://somersetasa.co.uk/privacy-policy/. Media may be displayed on our website somersetasa.co.uk/, on our social media accounts and used to promote the event and events in the future. If you have any concerns, please refer to the ASA Photography Guidance in Wavepower (https://www.swimming.org/swimengland/wavepower-child-safeguarding-for-clubs/)
- Somerset ASA may have official photographers and may record the competition events in which you are participating, and general images of swimmers, coaches, officials, parents and volunteers will form part of the information we hold and use. In addition to the purposes for general information set out above, Somerset ASA may use these recordings and images for the purposes of education and training, inclusion in press releases and Club Communications, and event promotion.
- If swimmers, coaches, officials, parents and volunteers have any concerns with their child / themselves being photographed / filmed at our events please contact the Promoter by email compsecretary@somersetasa.co.uk or call 07780 733 512 prior to the event.
- Please note consent will be valid for three years or in the case of consent by a parent / guardian on behalf of a child, the shorter period of three years, or until the child’s 16th birthday. You can withdraw or change your consent at any time.
- Where you do not grant consent, we will not be able to use your imagery except in certain limited situations, such as where required to do so by law or to protect members of the public from serious harm.
- Competitors
- Agree to abide by the Competition’s Entry Conditions
- Must provide information which is correct and accurate to the best of their knowledge
- Consent to their personal data being collected, stored, used, shared and transferred by Somerset ASA in accordance with Somerset ASA’s Privacy Policy
- Clubs
- Agree to act as a Data Processor on behalf of Somerset ASA for the collection, storage, use, sharing and transfer of the personal data of members who have made the above competitor declaration in support of entry into this competition
- Agree to submit Batch Entries which are correct and accurate to the best of their knowledge
- Must promptly make the Promoter aware of any exceptions and
- Agree to resolve any queries directly with the member(s) concerned.
EVENT | 10/11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 & OVER |
100m IM | 1:47.00 | 1:33.00 | 1:28.00 | 1:26.00 | 1:22.00 | 1:20.00 | 1:20.00 | 1:20.00 |
MALES 2024
EVENT | 10/11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18/OVER |
100m IM | 1:40.00 | 1:30.00 | 1:28.00 | 1:26.00 | 1:22.00 | 1:20.00 | 1:20.00 | 1:20.00 |
Sunday, October 20th 2024 | ||||
Morning Session | ||||
Open/Male or Female | Distance | Event | Ages | Type |
Female | 100m | IM | 10/11, 12, 13 & 14 | HDW |
Open/Male | 100m | IM | 10/11, 12, 13 & 14 | HDW |
Female | 4 x 50m | Medley Relay | 10/11-12, 13-14 | HDW |
Open/Male | 4 x 50m | Medley Relay | 10/11-12, 13-14 | HDW |
Female | 4 x 50m | Freestyle Relay | 10/11-12, 13-14 | HDW |
Open/Male | 4 x 50m | Freestyle Relay | 10/11-12, 13-14 | HDW |
Mixed | 4 x 50m | Medley Relay | 14 & Under | HDW |
Mixed | 4 x 50 | Freestyle Relay | 14 & Under | HDW |
Sunday, October 20th 2024 | ||||
Afternoon Session | ||||
Open/Male or Female | Distance | Event | Ages | Type |
Open/Male | 100m | IM | 15, 16, 17, 18 & Over | HDW |
Female | 100m | IM | 15, 16, 17, 18 & Over | HDW |
Open/Male | 4 x 50m | Medley Relay | 15 & Under, Open | HDW |
Female | 4 x 50m | Medley Relay | 15 & Under, Open | HDW |
Open/Male | 4 x 50m | Freestyle Relay | 15 & Under, Open | HDW |
Female | 4 x 50m | Freestyle Relay | 15 & Under, Open | HDW |
Mixed | 4 x 50m | Medley Relay | 15 & Over | HDW |
Mixed | 4 x 50m | Freestyle Relay | 15 & Over | HDW |