County Officers

County Officers

Somerset ASA County President for 2024-25, Development Panel & County Welfare Officer

Mike Riggall

County Treasurer &
member of Development Panel

Daisy Clarke

Secretary of Somerset ASA

Other Committee Posts

County Appointments
Somerset ASA President-Elect for 2025-2026: Karen Bowen of Team Bath AS
Young Volunteer Coordinators: Kelly Podbury & Daisy Clarke
Open Water Coach: Andrew Turner
Independent Financial Examiner: Andrew Williamson
Press & Information Officer: Mike Coles
Emergency Committee Members (2): Ben Batley & Sue Dors
Swimming Committee Members: Neil Chambers, Kelly Podbury, Pat Leaman & Isabel Blight
Water Polo Committee Members: Nick Purslow (WsM), Brad Poole (Frome), Alex Mosey (University of Bath), Bryan White (Taunton), Haley Somerville (Yeovil Spartans).

Office/Committee SESWR County Elected Representatives
Delegate to SESWR Water Polo Committee: Brad Poole.
Delegate to SESWR Artistic Swimming: Laura Smith.
Delegate to SESWR Swimming Committee: Kelly Podbury.
Delegate to SESWR Officials’ Committee: Paul Metcalfe.
Delegate to SESWR Para/Disability Committee: Kay Wilcox.
Delegate to SESWR Coaches’ Committee: Rachel Adlington.
Delegate to Swim England Council: Mike Coles.

SESWR Appointments
SESWR Water Polo Manager: Mike Coles
SESWR Officials’ Coordinator: Nicky Vause
SESWR Development Committee: Fiona Bowen & Mike Coles
SESWR Trophy Controller: Sue Dors

Swim England Appointments
IDDRP (SE Council 2004-Present: Ben Batley
SE Independent Appeals Panel, Vice-Chair: Ben Batley.

ReminderSwim England’s Club Support Hub can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition, there is a club administration contact number and email for any club needing support (01509 640 442 /