Long Course County Championship Records

Long Course County Championship Records

Here are the fastest Long Course Times from Somerset ASA Championships since 2017 to date.

Any subsequently lowered awaiting ratification will be shown below.

Exhibition swims and swims in events designated for NQT time trials are excluded.

All distances in Metres at the venue.

Age and entitlements in accordance with conditions at time of competition.
– Mens / Women: 16/O Senior.
– Boys / Girls: 15& U.

Mens 2002:04.05J. GreenowUniversity of Bath2022
Mens 10057.37C. CherringtonMillfield2023
Mens 5026.84O. BarlowClevedon2025
Mens 100 S9 SB91:16.00J. BakerTaunton Deane2016
Boys 2002:11.40O. BarlowTaunton Deane2020
Boys 1001:01.27S. WilliamsMillfield2020
Boys 5027.75D. O’LoughlinMillfield2019
Womens 2002:15.50E. DilleyMillfield2023
Womens 1001:02.60N. WardUniversity of Bath2025
Womens 5029.68T. TostevinMillfield2019
Womens 50 S5 – SM40:44.82N. JubbTeam Bath2025
Womens 100 S6 2:24.12S. YorkTeam Bath2025
Girls 2002:22.42A. BartonKeynsham2018
Girls 1001:05.66T. TostevinMillfield2018
Girls 5030.78Y. HamerlaineMillfield2018
Girls 100 S62:30.49S. YorkTeam Bath2024

Mens 2002:20.86J. GreenowUniversity of Bath2019
Mens 1001:04.19M. GardinerStreet & District2019
Mens 5029.20M. IakovidisUniversity of Bath2023
Mens 100 S9 SB91:16.00J. BakerTaunton Deane2016
Boys 2002:26.88W. EllingtonMillfield2018
Boys 1001:07.26J. RodriguezMillfield2024
Boys 5031.11J. RodriguezMillfield2024
Boys 200 S9 – SB94:09.91R. HarveyClevedon2025
Boys 100 S9 – SB91:59.27R. HarveyClevedon2025
Womens 2002:29.69L. BookerMillfield2020
Womens 1001:12.40L. BookerBath Dolphin2018
Womens 5032.90A. HurstMillfield2019
Womens 100 S5 – SM42:18.83N. JubbTeam Bath2025
Womens 100 S6 2:19.82J. FrithSomerset2004
Womens 100 S8 – SB81:34.26S. MillwardTeam Bath2008
Girls 2002:40.54G. GusseyKeynsham2019
Girls 1001:14.62C. BownTaunton Deane2020
Girls 5034.20C. BownTaunton Deane2020

Mens 2002:04.97J. GammonUniversity of Bath2023
Mens 1000:53.19J. GuyMillfield2017
Mens 500:25.50A. PainterMillfield2022
Boys 2002:12.76W. EllingtonMillfield2018
Boys 1000:59.32X. ToveyMillfield2025
Boys 500:25.98C. DorffeldMillfield2024
Womens 2002:10.85E. LargeMillfield2023
Womens 1001:01.03E. LargeMillfield2023
Womens 500:28.30E. HarveyMillfield2017
Girls 2002:19.05R. AndersonMillfield2017
Girls 1001:03.63J. LawtonKeynsham2020
Girls 500:28.62L. EvansMillfield2020
Girls 50 S61:14.07S. YorkTeam Bath2024

Mens 150015:58.62D. ArioliMillfield2019
Mens 8008:19.52A. SergeantMillfield2023
Mens 4003:57.51C. KurleMillfield2017
Mens 200 1:52.82W. RyleyUniversity of Bath2022
Mens 1000:50.33J. GuyMillfield2017
Mens 500:23.30A. PainterMillfield2022
Mens 200 S9 – SB91:06.47J. BakerTaunton Deane2016
Mens 50 S9 – SB90:29.50J. BakerTaunton Deane2016
Boys 150017:28.38H. WilliamsMillfield2017
Boys 8008:41.72K. FramptonMillfield2025
Boys 4004:13.39K. FramptonMillfield2025
Boys 2002:00.42S. WilliamsMillfield2020
Boys 1000:54.29R. AltyMillfield2023
Boys 500:25.00C. FryMillfield2019
Boys 500:25.00R. AltyMillfield2023
Boys 400 S9 – SB98:10.62R. HarveyClevedon2025
Boys 400 S9 – SB91:54.00R. HarveyClevedon2025
Womens 150017:31.56L. Wynne-JonesUniversity of Bath2022
Womens 8009:07.76J. HallUniversity of Bath2023
Womens 4004:23.86T. van SelmMillfield2022
Womens 200 2:04.41J. PodgerMillfield2025
Womens 1000:57.14T. van SelmMillfield2022
Womens 500:26.17M. HiggsMillfield2024
Womens 400 S69:19.16S. YorkTeam Bath2025
Womens 100 S5 – SM41:21.48N. JubbTeam Bath2025
Womens 100 S62:11.98S. YorkTeam Bath2025
Girls 150018:24.04I. WoollardMillfield2020
Girls 8009:26.83C. EmeryTaunton Deane2018
Girls 4004:33.16C. EmeryTaunton Deane2018
Girls 2002:08.65I. BlackhurstANT2020
Girls 1000:58.98I. BlackhurstANT2023
Girls 500:27.26M. HiggsMillfield2023
Girls 400 S69:03.64S. YorkTeam Bath2024
Girls 100 S62:03.26S. YorkTeam Bath2024
Girls 50 S60:57.16S. YorkTeam Bath2024

Mens 4004:26.58J. GreenowMillfield2022
Mens 2002:05.92B. WilliamsMillfield2017
Mens 200 S9 – SB93:09.93J. BakerTaunton Deane2014
Boys 4004:51.83W. EllingtonMillfield2018
Boys 2002:13.37W. LeighMillfield2024
Boys 200 S9 – SB94:09.67R. HarveyClevedon2025
Womens 4004:58.38L. BookerMillfield2019
Womens 2002:22.37L. BookerMillfield2019
Womens 200 S5 – SM43:47.61N. JubbTeam Bath2025
Womens 200 S65:18.54S. YorkTeam Bath2025
Girls 4005:00.91R. AndersonMillfield2017
Girls 2002:23.21R. AndersonMillfield2017
Girls 200 S65:17.91S. YorkTeam Bath2024

Mens Medley1:48.18MillfieldMillfield2019
Mens Freestyle1:38.58MillfieldMillfield2019
Womens Medley 2:00.43MillfieldMillfield2019
Womens Freestyle 1:51.10MillfieldMillfield2019
Mixed Medley1:55.01MillfieldMillfield2019
Mixed Freestyle1.43.56MillfieldMillfield2018