
Development for Somerset ASA’s Clubs

Is there something you need which you think will make a difference to your members, swimmers, volunteers, parents or families? And you are ready to make a case for it?

Read on…!

County Development Funding is for those times when a club or a group of clubs is ready to Grow, Develop, Improve some key aspect of what they do; when some additional financial support will help promote, kickstart or help to make it happen.

In most applications we are looking for additional or new opportunities you think will make a difference short term and which can be sustained beyond the initial project. A lot of the planning, preparation and financial thinking has already been done.

We like projects where several clubs are involved and we look at how many swimmers, coaches, parents etc will benefit from the project or the equipment.

Somerset ASA’s commitment to Development

Somerset ASA’s Treasurer, Mike Riggall pledged support to clubs through the county’s development programme at the 2024 annual general meeting, and clubs are encouraged to apply for support if, individually or jointly, they have a project or initiative which meets the County objectives and priorities.

There are two key areas of support available from the county. First their is the small items grant, where clubs can apply to the county for support on purchasing small items of equipment for the club, ie stopwatches, etc.

The second area is for bursary support for teachers and coaches. Some of this is match-funded by the region. You should apply by downloading the form at the bottom of the page. Funding is restricted to three claims for each discipline within the club (January to December). Return the form to:

County Pathway Development

The Competitions and CDP groups have proposed spending even more on Development Funding!

We’d like to take a cohesive view of development across the county through a four-strand programme:

1.     County Development Pathway Pilot;

2.     Coach Development Programme;

3.     County Development Meet; and

4.     County Distance Development Meet – to be known as the John Bolton.

We have sought an additional £2,800 from the Development Fund to support the new Coach Development Programme and the John Bolton and would be interested in your initial thoughts on Sunday (if possible!).

For the John Bolton, Millfield can offer us the evening of the 23rd November and Hutton Moor can offer the evening of the 16th November. Clevedon Officials Coordinator has offered to recruit officials as they have a good number to kick start the process. There is considerable appetite for this meet in the county and I believe clubs and coaches would be supportive in providing more. Full details regarding the John Bolton, can be found here.

The 2023/24 Somerset Pilot programme provided opportunities for the County’s young swimmers and also development opportunities for Skills Coaches, Team Manager, and Assistant Team Managers via open recruitment.

Don’t miss out. Engage with the opportunities provided by the Somerset pathway and the Swim England Coach Programmes we publicise.

Volunteer and Workforce Development

We will support the Young Volunteers programme which will again be run by Swim England South West, but we will look favourably on initiatives involving parents, helpers and indeed anyone involved in the smooth running and the success of the club and Somerset swimming.

We are pleased to contribute towards the regional Bursary scheme for Swim England L1 / L2 Teaching and Coaching qualifications (all disciplines).

Please return the completed Bursary Application Form to our treasurer, Mike Riggall, at Please also copy in the Regional Finance Officer. Please indicate on the form in which year you completed a Somerset ASA Young Volunteer Program if you wish to be considered for an additional £50 County bursary for those who did so. Please get in touch with our Chair, Mike Coles on if you require further information.

Download the form for Development Funding from Somerset ASA here, also available are guidance notes.

Download the Teacher/Coach L1 & L2 Bursary Application form for Swim England South West matching funding here. You can read about funding available from Swim England South West, by following this link.

Small Items Fund

Individual clubs from all disciplines can apply, but priority will be given to artistic swimming, water polo, open water and masters. If more than one Club intends to use the equipment or items purchased, this can be achieved as part of their formal agreement or partnership arrangement. A lead Club must take responsibility for safe-keeping and upkeep of the equipment, and for completing the report to the Development Panel. Download the application form below:

Download a copy of the Somerset ASA Development Funding Application Form Here.