
Safeguarding Officer

The Somerset ASA welfare officer  is Paul Chillingworth. He can be contacted by email at somersetasawelfare@gmail.com. His role is to advise the management committee on safeguarding and welfare issues and to support club welfare officers. Any concerns arising at Somerset ASA hosted events can also reported to him.

The regional Welfare and Governance Officer for the South West is Libby Bell who can be contacted at libby.bell@swimming.org


Somerset ASA along with its constituent clubs follow the guidance and procedures set out in Wavepower. The latest version was published in September 2024.

If you have a concern

Anyone who has a concern that a child or adult may be at risk of harm should refer this. Referring a concern can be done via the Club, County or Regional Welfare Officer or can be referred directly to Swim England via their online referral form. If you prefer, the Safeguarding team can be contacted on 01509 640700 (Option 1 for Swim England and then Option 3 for Safeguarding). Please leave a message if the team is unavailable and they will get back to you as soon as possible.

If the concern is urgent and about a child at risk, and you cannot contact your Welfare Officer or the Swim England safeguarding team, you can call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.

If it is an emergency because a child or adult is at immediate risk, then call the police and/or children’s social care in your area. Links to contact details for children’s social care are below:


North Somerset



If a child or adult is in immediate danger contact the police on 999.

Support for Welfare Officers – The Active Partnership Sports Welfare Officer Network

Sport Welfare Officers  can provide local support and opportunities to assist club welfare officers in their volunteer roles. Their role is to:

• Provide additional, local support for club welfare officers

• Signpost clubs to the right advice and guidance

• Work with club welfare officers to create a safer culture within their organisation

• Facilitate local training opportunities and events

• Create networks so that volunteers and staff feel better connected and informed

• Recognise, share and develop best practice

• Help raise awareness of safeguarding and welfare for young people and adults at local


The network is funded by Sport England through an investment of National Lottery money.  The SASP Sport Welfare Officer is Tracey Sweetland who can be contacted on tsweetland@sasp.co.uk

Useful links and documents for Welfare Officers

SESW Welfare page

Safeguarding tracker – This is for Club Welfare Officers to ensure the standardised recording of Welfare and Safeguarding concerns.

Behaviour policy template  

Behaviour contract template

Risk assessment template

Swim England Handbook 2025

Swim England Regulations information This is a link to documents that details complaints procedures and judicial complaints guidance.

Keep it in your locker – a film which aims to raise awareness of a recently-introduced element in Wavepower which prohibits the use of a mobile phone or device in changing rooms during Swim England regulated activity.

Play their way – resources and tools to encourage child-centered coaching.